Bedtime Theology, a space for questions
The questions come out at night. Parenting is answering questions all day long (So.Many.Questions), but often they save the big ones for night time, when it's dark, when it's quiet, when they know you're listening with (mostly) undivided attention.
When it's night time at my house, my children ask me about God, heaven, death, angels, church and why Jesus ended up on a cross. And then we chat.
These two are pastor's kids, so maybe they've been set up. Or maybe not. I don't lecture on theology. I mostly read Bible stories (not even every night) and wonder aloud about the story. Usually we remember to pray. My children provide the rest.
They are doing theology, and if you've ever talked about God, so are you. Theology is just a fancy way of saying "talking about God." The Greek word is derived from "theos" for God and "logia" for words. Words about God. We can all do that. We start with our own experience. It's valid. It's enough.
I've been posting my "bedtime theology" posts on social media for the past few years, mostly for myself. I've been surprised that others enjoy reading them, too. Maybe it's because many of us have heard wisdom from children, or appreciate the honesty of the little ones in our lives. Or maybe because we're all asking the same questions, too. The children are brave enough to ask aloud.
My bedtime theology posts will have their home here, at least for now. This blog is a way to journal my delight in and fascination with the joy of parenting as person of faith (and sometimes doubt). If you find it helpful or enjoyable, I'm all the more thrilled. My answers aren't perfect as I'm still learning too, and would love to learn with you. Feel free to be in conversation with me over email or on individual posts.
Last word: I especially love talking theology with my kids in our daily lives (not just at bedtime) because I believe God and holy spaces are everywhere. Church talk isn't for a certain building or time of the week. Everything is holy, sings Lutheran singer and songwriter Peter Mayer. I'm hoping my kids will know that, and sense the sacred everywhere, anchored by the spaces we hold for conversation.
Welcome to bedtime theology. So glad you're here.
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