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Third child faith

Bedtime Theology with the 3 yo...    ( Playing with stickers at the kitchen table ) 3 yo: ( Holding an Easter egg sticker) This sticker is Easter. Me: What does Easter make you think of? 3 yo: Jesus. Me: What does Jesus do? 3 yo: He goes all over the place. Me: Yea, that’s true. What else? 3 yo: He talks a lot. He sings a lot. The thing about the third child is that you care a lot less about doing things right. Should we haul out Easter stickers in the summer? Sure! Eat Goldfish crackers for breakfast? We were low on groceries! Play 1980s music so often that the toddler knows Bon Jovi better than Blimpy and Bluey? Guilty. Things are a little more lax with this third child which is a tired metaphor and also absolutely true. And yes, he's still the only kid without a baby book. I was a lot more religious (pun intended) about the faith formation of my older two children, who are closer in age than this latecomer to our family. We read Bible stories almost every night, sang S

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